And the winner is …
Congratulations to the University of Sydney who prevailed over Monash University in the Grand Final Round. To all the teams we wish you well in Hong Kong and Vienna. And well done to the CIArb Young Members Group for another resounding success. Special thanks to all who participated and to our hosts and sponsors: Clifford Chance and Herbert Smith Freehills. Full report to be published in The CIArb Australia News 2024
Left to Right: Thomas Martyn (U Syd), Olivia Donovan (U Syd), Kristian Maley (Chair, CIArb Young Members Group), Guillermo Garcia-Perrote (CIArb Fellow), The Hon James Allsop AC, Lachlan Ewers (Monash) and Avia Sanders (Monash)
The Pre-Moot in Photos. Credit: Tony Walters
Ciarb Australia Vis Pre-Moot 2024
*Breaking news: The Hon James Allsop AC (Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Australia 2013 – 2023) appointed President of the Grand Final round.
In 2024, the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators Australia Branch (CIArb) Vis Pre-Moot will be held in Sydney on 19-20 February 2024. Now in its seventh year, the Pre-Moot is organised by the CIArb Young Members Group (YMG), and jointly hosted by Clifford Chance and Herbert Smith Freehills.
The Pre-Moot is open to all teams participating in the Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot in Vienna, or the Vis East Moot in Hong Kong, in March 2024. Team registrations will be capped at 16 teams on a first-in basis.
The Pre-Moot uses the moot problem of the Vis Moot and Vis East. It is one of many pre-moot events held in the leadup to the Vis Moot each year. The Australia Pre-Moot is the only such event of a similar scale in Australia or Oceania.
Teams should register via this link by Friday 2 February 2024.
Update: Information for Registered Teams and Arbitrators
- Team draw (including team schedule and round pairings)
- The Vis Pre-Moot Guide (including guidance for teams and arbitrators, and information about event logistics)
Event Format
The Pre-Moot will be held across three full days in the Sydney CBD. This will comprise:
- 6 general rounds (4 on day 1, and 2 on day 2); and
- semi final and grand final rounds (day 2); and
- a networking function (day 1) and closing reception (day 2).
The rounds will be held at the Sydney offices of Clifford Chance and Herbert Smith Freehills.
Information for arbitrators
To run the Pre-Moot, we rely on the members of the arbitration community to generously volunteer their time to serve as volunteer arbitrators. We encourage practitioners, academics, and others with an interest, experience, or expertise in commercial arbitration to volunteer as arbitrators. Please register via this link.
Volunteer arbitrators will be scheduled for one or more rounds on 19 and 20 February 2024. Each round will have panel of 3 arbitrators. In allocating arbitrators to these panels we aim to match volunteers of differing levels of seniority and expertise.
Before the Pre Moot, volunteer arbitrators should review:
- the Moot Problem; and
- the concise brief to arbitrators published by the Vis Moot organisers.
Arbitrators may also wish to consider:
- the Vis Moot Rules;
- the 2021 ICC Rules;
- the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration; and
- the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).
Indicative timetable
The below indicative timetable is provided for information only and will be confirmed closer to the date.
19 February 2024 | ||
Start | Finish | Event |
9:30am | 10:00am | Registration and briefings |
10:00am | 11:30pm | Round 1 |
11:30am | 1:00pm | Round 2 |
1:00pm | 2:00pm | Lunch |
2:15pm | 3:45pm | Round 3 |
3:45pm | 5:15pm | Round 4 |
5:45pm | 6:45pm | Seminar/workshop |
6:45pm | 7:30pm | Drinks reception |
20 February 2024 | ||
Start | Finish | Event |
9:30am | 11:00am | Round 5 |
11:00am | 12:30pm | Round 6 |
12:45pm | 1:30pm | Lunch |
1:30pm | Announcement of finalists | |
2:00pm | 3:30pm | Semi-Final Rounds |
4:00pm | 5:30pm | Grand Final Round |
5:30pm | 7:00pm | Closing reception |
Further information
For inquiries about the Pre Moot, please contact Kristian Maley, Ciarb Australia Young Members Group Chair, at [email protected].