2022 Accelerated Route To Membership

  • Day 1 Workshop
    March 5, 2022
    11:00 am - 3:15 pm
  • Day 2 Workshop
    March 7, 2022
    11:00 am - 4:45 pm

CIArb’s Australia Branch is pleased to offer the Accelerated Route to Membership course to be delivered virtually on Saturday, 05 March 2022 and Monday, 07 March 2022.

Registrations are now open.

This course is a pathway to Membership status of CIArb (MCIArb). CIArb accreditation carries a global qualification in the growing practice of international arbitration.

What is the aim of the course?

To provide a fast-track route to Membership through the International (ie non-domestic) Arbitration Pathway. The Accelerated Route to Membership has been designed for busy, legally qualified professionals who have some unassessed knowledge of international arbitration. The aim of the programme is to assess whether the candidate has the knowledge required to understand the process of international arbitration.

Candidates must evaluate their personal suitability to undertake the programme, appreciating that the assessments are intensive and that they will be assessed against standard benchmarks.

The programme covers the law underpinning the process and procedure of international arbitration. It is therefore valuable for anyone who is conversant with the law and practice of international arbitration generally, whether as a party or party representative. It is also an essential step for anyone aiming for Fellowship and for those who aim to practice as an arbitrator.

What are the learning outcomes?

On successful completion of this programme candidates will be able to:

  • Explain the principles and specific legal requirements in an international arbitration:
    • The legal framework including limitations of matters that may legally be arbitrated;
    • The contractual nature of the appointment of an arbitrator;
    • The rights, duties and responsibilities of a party to an arbitration;
    • The range and limitations of an arbitrator’s powers and jurisdiction;
    • The methods of initiating and processing an arbitration;
    • The relevance of the court regarding all stages in an arbitration;
    • The requirements of an enforceable Award;
    • Evaluate and apply the principles and legal requirements of an international arbitration;
    • Identify, explain and apply the legal procedural principles, rules and arguments relevant to the conduct of an international arbitration.

What is covered within the syllabus?

  • Fundamental principles of the arbitration process;
  • The UNCITRAL Model Law and Arbitration Rules;
  • The arbitration agreement;
  • Commencement of an arbitration and appointment of an arbitrator;
  • Obligations of the tribunal, responsibilities and obligations of the parties;
  • An arbitrator’s jurisdiction and powers;
  • The arbitration process: meetings, timetable, submissions, experts, disclosure, hearings;
  • The powers of the court;
  • Interest and costs;
  • Essentials of an enforceable award; and
  • Challenges, appeals and enforcement.

How will the programme be delivered?

This is an assessment programme as opposed to a teaching module. Learning will be based on private study prior to the oral assessment workshops conducted virtually via Zoom, reinforced by tutor input and peer discussion during the workshops. A centralised examination to be completed remotely will be delivered through CIArb’s virtual learning platforms, LearnADR.


Prior to the course, the Course Director will meet all candidates via Zoom to run through the aims of the course, how the workshops will run, and discuss the assessments and outcomes.

The Course Director will also explain how the written assignments will be processed and marked and how any ‘at home’ centralised coursework will be administered.

Pre-Course Assignment

A pre-course assignment will be emailed to candidates 14 days prior to the first workshop, with students to email their submissions prior to the first day of the programme.


Day 1 Workshop – Saturday, 05 March 2022

11.00am – 12.30pm: Workshop 1 – Problems 1 and 2 in groups
1.30pm – 3.15pm: Workshop 2 – Problems 3, 4 and 5 in groups 

Day 2 Workshop – Monday, 07 March 2022

11.00am – 12.45pm: Workshop 3 – Problems 6 and 7 in groups
1.45pm – 2.45pm: Workshop 4 – Problems 8 and 9 in groups
3.30pm – 4.45pm: Workshop 5 – Problems 10 and 11 in groups

How will I be assessed?

Assessment for this programme is by a combination of Assignment, Assessment Workshops and Examination.

  1. A pre-course assignment in which candidates must attain at least 55%, which contributes 20% of the final mark when added to the exam;
  2. Two half days involving a total of five workshops (as above) with 11 problem scenarios assessed orally in group work where candidates are assessed on knowledge, judgement and presentation. This assessment is on a pass or fail basis. Candidates must pass all the workshop sessions.  Candidates who fail the workshop will be required to re-sit this assessment; and
  3. A centralised Module 1 Law, Practice and Procedure Exam in which candidates must attain at least 65%, which contributes 80% of the final mark when added to the assignment.

The centralised Module 1 Law, Practice and Procedure exam has been converted into coursework that candidates can complete remotely, instead of attending an examination centre.


The Accelerated Route to Membership course will be delivered by:

Course Director: Dr Vicky Priskich FCIArb 
Tutors: Gordon Smith C.Arb FCIArb

Dr Vicky Priskich FCIArb 

What are the entry requirements?

In order to register onto the Accelerated Route to Membership, candidates must demonstrate that:

  • They have knowledge of the framework of international arbitration;
  • They can evaluate and apply the principles and requirements of an international arbitration;
  • They can demonstrate awareness of the practical tasks required in preparing for and progressing an international arbitration.

English Language Competence – CIArb training and assessment is carried out in English it is therefore essential that candidates are proficient in both written and spoken English. Where English is not a candidate’s first language it is recommended that they have achieved a standard that is, as a minimum, equivalent to the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) level 7 or a score of 94 -101 in the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) system. CIArb issues this advice as a guideline and, while it will not require any evidence of this standard prior to enrolment on a course, candidates who do not have this standard of English may be disadvantaged.

What is CIArb’s policy on cancellation of courses?

CIArb reserves the right to cancel or change the date, venue or content of programmes and the names of speakers, lecturers and tutors. Candidates will be provided with adequate notice of any change. If CIArb has to cancel a course, candidates will be provided with a full refund or the opportunity to transfer their registration to the next course. Should a candidate wish to cancel their registration of a course, notification must be sent in writing to [email protected].

What is my next step when I complete the course?

On successful completion of this programme, candidates:

  • May progress onto Module 3 of the International Arbitration Pathway;
  • Will be eligible to apply for Member grade of CIArb, and take advantage of a range of educational and professional benefits.

Key Dates

Monday, 14 February 2022

Closing Date for Registration
TBA Orientation Session with Course Director
Friday, 18 February 2022 Pre-Course assignment and course materials emailed to students
Friday, 04 March 2022 Pre-Course assignment due by 4.00pm AEDT
Saturday, 05 March 2022 Day One Workshop
Monday, 07 March 2022 Day Two Workshop
Thursday, 17 March 2022 Examination is accessible remotely at any time within a 5 day window from 17 March 2022 at 11:00pm AEDT (once the exam is accessed it must be completed within 48 consecutive hours and within the 5 day window).

Course Fee and Registration

The course fee per person is AU$2,870 (inc. GST) which includes access to CIArb’s virtual learning platforms, course materials and exam assessment fee.

Places are strictly limited and will close by the close of business on Monday, 14 February 2022.

 Assessment Fee Only

Candidates who wish to re-sit the ARM exam assessment (ie. For former ARM candidates only) must pay an assessment fee of AU$425 (inc GST).

For further information, please contact:

Executive Officer, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (Australia) Limited

Email: [email protected]


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