- March 5, 2020 - March 6, 2020
8:00 am
Grand final round results
In the Grand Final round of the CIArb Australia Vis Pre-Moot, Singapore Management University (respondent) prevailed over the University of Sydney (claimant).
The Grand Final round was heard by a tribunal comprising Justice Jonathan Beach (Federal Court of Australia), Caroline Kenny QC (President of CIArb Australia), and Gowri Kangeson (DLA Piper).
About the Pre-Moot
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb) Australia Vis Pre-Moot is held in Melbourne each year, in the weeks preceding the Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (Vis Moot), and the Vis East Moot. The Pre-Moot is organised by the CIArb Australia Young Members Group.
The fourth Pre-Moot was held on 5-6 March 2020, and was proudly sponsored by DLA Piper. 13 teams and over 50 arbitrators participated.
The Pre-Moot was open to all teams participating in the Vis Moot or Vis East in April 2020. We were pleased to open the 2020 Pre-Moot to international teams for the first time.
The Pre-Moot uses the moot problem of the Vis Moot and Vis East. It is one of many pre-moot events held prior to the Vis Moot and Vis East each year. The CIArb Australia Pre-Moot is the only such event of a similar scale in Australia or Oceania.
CIArb contributed to meeting the costs of interstate travel for participating Australian teams. See the team travel reimbursement page for details.
The Pre-Moot Organising Committee is contactable at [email protected].
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